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Planning Board Minutes 04/07/05

Minutes of the April 7, 2005 Meeting

Members Present:

Fred Anderson            Bob Bethel              Scott Burnside         
Bob Edwards                      Ron Haggett             Renee Rabideau 
Ed Rowehl                        Brian Sawich

Members Absent:

Public attendees:

        Mary Wardman                            Meredith Cooper, SWRPC
        Ruth Herne                                      Lloyd Henderson, The Contender
        Peter Pitsas, Underwood Engineering     Mike Beauchamp, Fire Chief
        Thomas Graves, II                               Thomas Graves, III
        John Doughty, Doughty Surveying         Terry Schnare, Mighty Oaks Realty
        Anthony Costello, A.C. Engineering              Doris Edwards
        Chris Danforth, C.K. Danforth & Assoc. LLC

Chairman Rowehl opened the meeting at 7:05 PM. The first order of business was the annual organizational meeting to elect officers for the ensuing year. Mr. Bethel nominated Mr. Burnside to be Chairman. Mr. Burnside agreed to accept the nomination but pointed out that the nature of his business was such that it might often be viewed as a conflict of interest and/or his attendance during summer months may not be 100%. Various members commented that this shouldn't be a problem and Mr. Haggett seconded the nomination which passed unanimously. Mr. Haggett then nominated Mr. Edwards for the office of Vice Chairman. Mr. Sawich seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Anderson moved to accept the minutes of the March 3, 2005 as presented. Mr. Haggett seconded the motion which passed. Mr. Edwards moved to accept the minutes of the March 17, 2005 meeting as corrected. Mr. Sawich seconded the motion which passed.

Mr. Haggett will spearhead the project to update the Master Plan and Capital Improvement Plan. He will get together with the secretary to review existing documents and examples of similar projects adopted by other towns. Mr. Sawich volunteered to help on any subcommittee should one be formed. Ms. Cooper discussed Interim Growth Ordinances and the procedure for adopting Impact Fees.

The secretary presented a letter from S. R. Jones regarding the preparation of reclamation plans for his excavation site. Mr. Jones felt it would be another 180 days before drawings could be prepared. Following some discussion, Mr. Haggett moved to issue a temporary Permit to excavate for a period of 90 days from April 1, 2005 with the understanding that renewal would not be automatic unless evidence was presented that substantial progress was made on processing the application for a permit to excavate. He pointed out that this was consistent with the conditions granting a temporary permit for the Chauncey excavation site. Mr. Anderson seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The consensus was that since Mr. Gross and Mr. Zimmerman had not responded to the requests to renew their permits and provide reclamation plans, that no temporary permits would be issued and the selectmen would not sign any Intent to Excavate forms submitted by these parties.

At 7:30 PM, Mr. Burnside opened the public hearing on the request by Mary Wardman for a Change of Use for property located at 111 Old Pound Road, Antrim, NH 03440 Tax Map 5, Lot 87 in the Rural District. The applicant proposes to sell flowers, herbs, edible products and garden related crafts and gifts. Ms. Wardman explained that she was a Master Gardner and the proposed use was permitted in her area. Most all herbs and edible flowers would be in raised beds. The premises would be spot checked by the state at least once a year. Mr. Bethel asked how many employees there would be. She would be the sole employee and her health would not permit her to expand the business to any degree. She presented photographs of the various produce she would be growing. She pointed out that most of her sales are made over the internet. Mr. Graves objected to the increased traffic that would be generated as there already is a school, sugarhouse and art studio on Old Pound Road. Ms. Wardman indicated that there might be only one or two vehicles a day. He was also concerned that the area set aside for parking crossed over the property lines and would impact the streams. Ms. Wardman insisted that the property was surveyed and she was within the boundary lines. Mr. Edwards felt there should be a site walk and the secretary should obtain a copy of the deed and if possible a plot plan. Following some discussion, a site walk was scheduled for Tuesday, April 12, 2005 at 5:00 PM. Mr. Burnside continued the public hearing to 7:30 PM on April 21, 2005.

The next order of business was a public hearing on the request by Mighty Oaks Realty LLC for a Major Subdivision. The applicant proposes to subdivide property at 318 Concord Street, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 4, Lot 103 in the Rural and Highway Business Districts into twenty-two (22) lots. Underwood Engineering, Inc. had been retained to review engineering details associated with drainage, grading, roadway layout and erosion and sedimentation and control in accordance with The Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations. Underwood Engineering submitted their report #1201.00 dated April 5, 2005. Mr. Haggett asked if the water flows being considered were seasonal or full time. Mr. Pitsas felt they would be most of the time. Some concerns were expressed regarding the location of some of the driveways and the building units. Mr. Doughty explained that driveway and building locations were conceptual only and actual locations would be determined during the building permit process and location of the septic systems. The members then began a review of the Underwood report. Representatives of Mighty Oaks Realty indicated that they would comply with requested changes, items 1 though 5 listed under "General". Extensive discussion followed regarding the other items called out in the Underwood report with emphasis on the drainage plans. Mr. Pitsas suggested grading of the lots for drainage. Mr. Costello explained the use of level spreaders to control water runoff rather than have it channeled. He felt that over sizing the level spreaders was adequate for the calculated flow rates Mr. Pitsas will revisit the issue. Ms. Cooper was asked to comment on the Underwood report. She felt that it was adequate in view of the applicant's willingness to make most of the changes requested. Mr. Pitsas presented a worksheet estimating the cost of the road construction to be $579, 853.00. This number will be used as a guide to set the amount of a bond to insure completion of the road which is to be accepted by the town.

Chief Beauchamp stated that he has met with the applicant and he has agreed that fire protection requirements could be met by the construction of a 40,000-gallon fire pond. Mr. Burnside suggested that the Chief advise the applicant of where he would like the dry hydrant located and the correct sizing of the hardware. The Chief also stated that he saw no problem with the hammerhead at the end of the road leading into Phase II rather than a cul-de-sac. He felt there would be room in which to turn the emergency vehicles around.

As yet the secretary has not received a report from former Police Chief Brown who had reviewed the drawings. He will pursue the matter with Sergeant Donovan and obtain a written report for the board. A copy of the application for Dredge and Fill permit was shown to the members. Ms. Rabideau will review it and comment back to the board. Ms. Cooper felt a note should be on the cover sheet regarding the utility plan. In addition, she indicated that the Conservation Commission had met with the Monadnock Conservancy to prepare a conservation easement to protect the Beaver Pond and the "no-cut" zones throughout the development.

Mr. Doughty asked if the board would accept the application. Mr. Burnside said that he could not make such a motion but he would entertain one. The secretary pointed out that there had already been two conceptual consultations, a Design Review and now a public hearing. He felt that the applicant had been cooperative throughout the process making most all changes requested by the board. He also pointed out that the board was obligated to either accept or reject the application based on the 30-day submittal date. Ms. Cooper confirmed that the board did not have the option to merely continue the public hearing. She pointed out that the board then had 65 days in which to approve the application. Mr. Schnare indicated that he might be willing to allow the extension of the 65-day approval period if it was necessary and the reasons for doing so were not arbitrary. Mr. Haggett moved to accept the application of Mighty Oaks Realty, LLC, File # 2005-03PB for a Major Subdivision of property located off of Concord Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 4 Lot 103 located in the Highway Business & Rural Districts. The applicant proposes to develop 22 building sites. Mr. Sawich seconded the motion.

Role call vote: Mr. Sawich - aye, Mr. Haggett - aye, Mr. Bethel - aye, Mr. Anderson - aye, Mr. Rowehl - aye. Mr. Edwards, as an abutter recused himself. Ms. Rabideau was not designated to sit for a member, hence did not vote.

Members and representatives of the applicant discussed the next course of action. The secretary was instructed to review all the documentation to date and prepare a list of all open items in question. He is to provide the list to Mr. Schnare, Mr. Doughty and Mr. Pitsas and arrange for a meeting among the parties and a representative of the board to resolve the issues.

Mr. Burnside continued the public hearing to 7:30 PM on May 5, 2005. The consensus of the members and the applicant was that Mr. Beblowski; Chairman of the Conservation Commission should be at the next meeting. It was also suggested that comments from Ms. Pinello be solicited considering her archeological expertise.

Mr. Edwards had nothing new to report on the open space committee and he said that he would have a list of possible members for a Growth Committee at the next meeting.

The secretary then asked for a clarification of lot requirements in the Residential District. Following some discussion, Mr. Anderson moved to reword paragraph C.1.c(3) of Article VI as follows:

"The total number of dwelling units permitted on a site is calculated by dividing the size of the site by 10,000 square feet per dwelling unit, with a maximum of six (6) dwelling units per dwelling building."

Mr. Sawich seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Ms. Cooper pointed out that she has not seen any revised drawings on the Lauber subdivision. The secretary will follow up with the surveyor and attempt to expedite the process. It was decided that Ms. Cooper's presence would not be required at the April 21st meeting but would be desirable at the May 5th meeting.

The secretary advised the members to retain the documentation supplied to them on applications until the applications are decided as repeated reproduction of the paperwork as public hearings are continued is costly and time consuming.

Members briefly discussed the need for a set of by-laws for the board. The consensus was that they would be desirable and the secretary was instructed to prepare a set for review.

Mr. Anderson moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Haggett seconded the motion which passed. Mr. Burnside adjourned the meeting at 9:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Planning Board